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Emergency Temporary Maintenance April 25, 2024



Greetings Midgardians,
We will be having an emergency maintenance at 12:00AM PDT tonight. 
The maintenance should take about 1 hour, please logoff beforehand to ensure safe data recording.

We will be addressing the following:
1. Fixed an issue where the duration of some adventure buffs was incorrectly displayed after a certain step.
2. Fixed a bug where the character would freeze when afflicted with a status ailment while using the Warrior's 'Whirlwind' skill.
3. Fixed an issue where the quest giver NPC for 'Honest Thief (1)' would not appear upon reconnection before accepting the quest.
4. Fixed awkward dialogue transitions for NPCs during the progression of the 'Retrieve Research Data (3)' quest.
5. Fixed typos appearing in the Kafra Teleportation Geffen region.

Thank you for your understanding. We will be working diligently to address these concerns and have the servers back up as soon as possible.